8. November 2016 um 9:00 – 10. November 2016 um 17:00
Novotel Madrid Center
Calle O'Donnell 53
28009 Madrid

Auch dieses Jahr organisiert das Europäische Patentamt eine Konferenz mit Vorträgen, Infoständen und Training Sessions rund um das Thema Patent:

What is the EPO Patent Information Conference?

The EPO Patent Information Conference is one of the leading patent information events in Europe. It is not only a conference, but also a public exhibition, a training event and a meeting point for professionals in the field. This year’s event is organised in co-operation with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.

Who are the attendees?

The delegates include Europe’s big users of patent information as well as participants from around the world. In 2015 more than 400 people attended the EPO Patent Information Conference held in Copenhagen.

Participation fee

Participation fee: EUR 590
Additional fee for training courses on 7 and 10 November: EUR 110 per course
Price for accompanying persons attending the dinner on 8 November 2016: EUR 130

Official languages

The official language of the conference will be English.


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