7. Juni 2018 um 14:00 – 5. Juli 2018 um 15:00
Online Training

Virtual classrooms on IP evaluation and protection

Working language: English


This series of five one-hour virtual classroom sessions will introduce the main concepts of IP evaluation and protection. Innovation is the commercialisation of an invention. Decisions on which technologies should be developed and which IP assets created must be carefully evaluated. IP needs to be protected, but protection costs money, so it must be assessed within the overall context of innovation potential and enforceability. In a global market, the life-cycle management of patents on a worldwide basis is key to making best use of the patent system to gain and maintain competitive advantage.


The five sessions take place:

  • 7 June 2018, 14:00 CEST (GMT +02:00)
  • 14 June 2018, 14:00 CEST (GMT +02:00)
  • 21 June 2018, 14:00 CEST (GMT +02:00)
  • 28 June 2018, 14:00 CEST (GMT +02:00)
  • 5 July  2018, 14:00 CEST (GMT +02:00)

Target groups

  • Technology-driven SMEs including
  • Start-ups and theirStaff involved in IP management
  • Staff of IP-related departments like R&D and legal departments
  • Trainers and advisors focusing on support for SMEs

Registration deadline: 01.06.2018