Core areas & specialist fields
There are countless opportunities for joint projects between universities and companies – with excellent academic researchers for almost any economic problem, we’re sure we can pair you up with the perfect partner to find your solution! To give you an overview of the many possibilities, we would like to introduce you to some of the core competences of our project partners in this section.
Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck
In addition to its 16 faculties, the University of Innsbruck has the following five special research areas:
- Alpine Space – Man and Environment
- Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts
- Molecular Biosciences
- Physics
- Scientific Computing
In addition, there are four cross-faculty research platforms and many research centres.
- The University of Innsbruck is currently involved in the competence centers VASCage and ABC Research, with ABC Research in the process of phasing out. The former alpS competence center has been transformed into a successful spin-off after phasing out. In addition, the University of Innsbruck is involved in spin-offs via its wholly-owned subsidiary Uni-Holding. The current portfolio of 22 spin-off investments reflects the diversity of technology transfer at a comprehensive university.
- The university has a Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies and two Christian Doppler Laboratories.
- The university also works with two affiliated Institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Institute for Mountain Research: Man and Environment, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information).
- What’s more, the university also has two special research areas on the foundations and applications of quantum physics (FoQuS) and chronic diseases of the central nervous system (SFB-F44).
Medical University of Innsbruck
- Infectiology, immunology and tissue transplant
- Neurosciences
- Oncology
- Cross-discipline research in Genetics-Epigenetics-Genomics
Technology offers:
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Research foci in different areas:
- Allergy-Cancer-BioNano Research Centre (ACBN)
- Centre for Cognitive Neurosciences (CCNS)
- Salzburg Centre for European Union Studies (SCEUS)
High-level training, for example with the following doctoral programmes:
- “Restructuring the European Union in and after the crisis”
- “Immunity in Cancer and Allergy”
- “Kunst und Öffentlichkeit”
- “Imaging the Mind – Consciousness, Higher Mental and Social Process”
- “GIScience”
National collaborations, such as:
- Cancer Cluster Salzburg (CSS): cancer research, joint projects with the Salzburger Landeskliniken hospitals and Paracelsus Medical Private University as part of the Allery-Cancer-BioNano Research Centre (ACBN), more clusters to follow
- „PLUS Geronto network“ together with the University of Innsbruck and the Paracelsus Medical Private University/Salzburger Landeskliniken hospitals
- Climate research network Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) as part of the Department of Geoinformatics (advancement and progression of climate research, promotion of young scientists, support of knowledge transfer and provision of practice-oriented knowledge)
Technology offers:
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- Surface Area Porosity Analysis
- Polarized Light Microscopy
- PPMS – Physical Property Measurement System
- Raman Spectroscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscope
- X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Powder Diffraction
- Simultaneous Thermal Analysis
- UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy
- “Doppler“ Computer Cluster
Research competences in the field of Life Sciences (in German)
Mozarteum University Salzburg
- More than 40 artistic and pedagogic fields of study in the area of music as well as performing and visual arts
- Comprehensive training in instrumental subjects, composition, conducting, voice, music theatre, drama, production, stage design, music and dance pedagogy, art and textile design pedagogy, music pedagogy and music education
- International exchange of teachers and students, scholarship programmes, exchange concerts
- Youth and career development
- Immanent focus on “W.A. Mozart in interpretation and research”
Johannes Kepler University Linz
- Management & Innovation
- Social Systems, Markets and Welfare State
- Company Law
- Computation in Informatics and Mathematics
- Nano-, Bio- and Polymer Systems: From Structure to Function
- Mechatronics and Information Processing
Focus areas of the WTZ projects are:
- Chemistry und Plastics Engineering
- Nano-, Bio- and Polymer-Systems: From Structure to Function
- Polymer Science and Engineering – Polymer Processing – Stabilizer Research
- Analytical Chemistry – NMR Research – Organocatalysis
- Technology – Materials Sciences – Electrochemistry – Organic Solar Cells
- Photochemistry – Artificial Photosynthesis – CO2 Reduction
Focus Areas in Physics
- Experimental und Applied Physics (Laser Physics, Surface und Nanoanalysis, Materials Sciences, Stretchable Electronics, Ultra-thin Electronics)
- Semiconductor Physics /Solid-State Physics (Quantum Dots, Nanostructures, Epitaxy, Nanophotonics, Magnetism, Nitride)
- Theoretical Physics (Many-Particle Physics, Theoretical Biophysics (Photosynthesis, Functional Biomolecules))
- Biophysics (Atomic Force Microscopy, Ion Channels, Membrane Transport, Single Molecular Genetics, Surface Chemistry)
Additionally, there is a large number of research partnerships and centres.
The new LINZ INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (LIT) supports international research groups at the JKU.
Research infrastructure: a list of all research devices and equipment at the JKU
Research expertise in the area of Life Sciences: a list of the research ares at the JKU
University of Art and Design Linz
- Intermediality: innovation potentials inherent in digital and interactive media in connection with the entire range of media communication and design channels and their theoretical reflection
- Space strategies: courses in architecture, architecture and urban and regional planning, industrial design/scionic or space & design strategies and development of cross-sectional skills and competencies
- Artistic-scientific research: combination of practical creative work and scientific research to create ideal conditions for researching methodology, knowledge transfer and education at the interface of science and art.
MCI - The Entrepreneurial School
Mit ihrer Positionierung als Unternehmerische Hochschule® folgt die Forschung und Entwicklung des MCI entsprechend ihrem Mission Statement nachstehenden Prinzipien:
- wirtschafts- und praxisnah
- anwendungsbezogen
- lösungsorientiert
Forschung am MCI dient als Inspiration für unsere Lehrenden, die den aktuellen Wissensstand und Know-how an unsere Studierenden weitergeben. Zugleich dient Forschung als Grundlage für den gesellschaftlichen Auftrag des MCI. Mit ihrer Expertise tragen die MCI-Lehrenden und Forschenden zur technologischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung bei. Forschung am MCI unterstützt regionale, nationale und internationale Partner in ihren Innovationsaktivitäten, um deren Effizienz und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu steigern. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte am MCI orientieren sich an aktuellen gesellschaftlichen, technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen und bauen auf den Kernkompetenzen des MCI. Interdisziplinarität nimmt dabei einen hohen Stellenwert ein und ebnet den Weg für ganzheitliche, sowie forschungsrelevante Lösungsansätze.
MCI Forschungsschwerpunkte
Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft | Technologie & Life Sciences |
• Ethics, Law & Information Society • Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Marketing • Tourism |
• Food Science & Biotechnology |
University of Applied Sciences Kufstein
Die Forschung an der Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol steht im Zeichen des digitalen Wandels als wichtigem Element der gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen und technologischen Entwicklung. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt „Mensch & Digitalisierung“ bündelt die Forschungsaktivitäten in den Ausprägungen Technik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Innerhalb des Forschungsschwerpunktes wird Forschung und Entwicklung in den folgenden Bereichen betrieben:
- Service Design und Customer Experience
- Smart Products, Web-Based & Mobile Systems und Real Estate
- Strategic Management, Sport und Event Studies
Weitere Schwerpunkte finden sich in den Forschungsinstituten der Fachhochschule Kufstein Tirol:
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Unsere Forschung und Entwicklung zielt auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft. Wir gestalten diese aktiv mit. Durch regionale und globale Vernetzung mit Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, öffentlichen Institutionen, Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen schaffen wir Ausbildung, Innovation und Wissen, Mehrwert und Nachhaltigkeit.
Wir erheben Anspruch auf Themenführerschaft in ausgewählten Kompetenzfeldern:
- FH OÖ Campus Hagenberg: Software/Systems/Media
- FH OÖ Campus Linz: Social Services/Health Technologies
- FH OÖ Campus Steyr: Wirtschaft und Management
- FH OÖ Campus Wels: Engineering/Environment
Als kompetenter Partner mit 17 großen Forschungsschwerpunkten entwickeln wir Lösungen und fördern wir den Wissenstransfer auch durch unsere Exzellenzzentren:
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg
Die vielfältigen Forschungsbereiche der FH Salzburg sind, analog zu den Studiengängen, in sechs Departments zusammengefasst:
- Angewandte Sozialwissenschaften: Soziale Arbeit, Soziale Innovation und Gesellschaft, Forschungsgruppe Innovation und Gesellschaft
- Business and Tourism: Betriebswirtschaft und KMU & Entrepreneurship, Tourismusforschung
- Creative Technologies: MultiMediaArt, MultiMediaTechnology
- Gesundheitswissenschaften:F&E-Aktivitäten der gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Studiengängen
- Green Engineering and Circular Design: DE|RE|SA-Design Research Salzburg, Holz & Biogene Technologien, Smart Building und Smart City.
- Information Technologies and Digitalisation: Informationstechnologien, Josef Ressel Zentrum für Intelligente und Sichere Industrieautomatisierung, Josef Ressel Centre for Dependabel System-of-Systems Engineering, Zentrum für Sichere Energieinformatik
Aktuell gibt es an der FH Salzburg folgende Forschungszentren:
- Zentrum für sichere Energieinformatik(ehemals Josef Ressel Zentrum für anwenderorientierte Smart Grid Privacy, Sicherheit und Steuerung)
- Josef Ressel Centre for Dependable System-of-Systems Engineering
- Josef Ressel Zentrum für Intelligente und Sichere Industrieautomatisierung
- IWB Zentrum Alpines Bauen – Forschungs- und Transferzentrum
- IWB Zentrum Materialforschung
- Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft – Institute for Digital Health and Prevention